Friday, June 21, 2019

The best interests, the rights. the lives of New Brunswick adults with severe autism have been traded for votes for years by NB politicians.

New Brunswick severe autism adult crisis - the best interests of New Brunswick adults with severe autism have been traded for votes for years by NB politicians.
In order for politicians to obtain votes and victory in Northern ridings NB politicians have for years traded the lives and best interests of adults with mental health disorders including those with severe autism and other mental health disorders.  These vulnerable pesons  have been sent to the City of Campbellton's Restigouche  Hospital to create jobs and economic development for the local economy in the hope that in return locals will vote for parties' political candidates. There has never been any real concern for the best interests of the residents and patients
The Restigouche which is the subject of the Ombud Failure to Protect Report has 4 units one of which is the Autism Unit.  Abuse and neglect have marked the lives of those residing in the Restigouche as reported by the Ombud and his team The concerns of mayors in the North however have been about JOBS in the North as reported…/restigouche-hospital-youth-centre-ombu…
 Campbellton Mayor Stephanie Anglehart-Paulin stated:

"If the centre is moved, it would be a significant financial blow to Campbellton. In addition to losing an important local employer, the province would slash the property assessment on an unfinished project, said Anglehart-Paulin, a former property assessor."

That is the brutal reality facing NB adults with severe autism and their families. They continue to be sent far from the bulk of NB populations and families in central and southern NB. They continue to be sent far from the autism expertise in centrally located Fredeicton which has been internationally recognized by the Assocaition for science in Autism Treatment in the US and by contractual interest in UNB-CEL autism intervention training from France. NB continues to violate the provisions of articles 25(b)(c) of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which declares the rights of persons with disabilities to treatment specific to their disabilities in as close proximity as possible to their communities. . 

In New Brunswick politics trumps the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

In New Brunswick politics trumps  the rights, best interests the very lives of persons disabilities including persons with severe autism disorders.

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